Dr. David Matsumoto incorporates as a professor to our master in Nonverbal Behavior and Lie Detection.

Dr. Matsumoto joins our Master in Nonverbal Behavior and Lie Detection, the benchmark training in this field and joins an excellent faculty of the highest level, where he will bring his extensive experience in the field of nonverbal behavior.

Dr. David Matsumoto, is a renowned expert in the field of microexpressions, gesture, nonverbal behavior, culture and emotion. He is the director of Humintell, a company that provides training to individuals and organizations in these fields.

Matsumoto is also a Professor of Psychology at San Francisco State University. He is the Founder and Director of SFSU’s Culture and Emotion Research Laboratory, a laboratory that focuses on studies involving culture, emotion, social interaction and communication.

In 2009, Matsumoto was one of the select few to receive the prestigious Minerva Grant; a $1.9 million grant from the US Department of Defense to examine the role of emotions in ideologically-based groups.

In addition, thanks to the collaboration with Humintell, an entity directed by Dr. Masumoto, specific training in recognition of the seven universally expressed facial expressions of emotion will be included.

For Behavior & Law Corp. it is an honor and a pleasure to have a professional with the prestige and experience of Dr. Matsumoto. We are sure that our students will enjoy his contributions.

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